Oakland English Cursillo Secretariat
What is the Secretariat?
The Secretariat is the administrative organizational arm of the Oakland English Cursillo Movement. Each Cursillo Movement (English, Hispanic, Filipino, etc.) within the Oakland Catholic Diocese has its own Secretariat. The responsibility of the Secretariat is to insure that the Cursillo Movement is alive and well and following the guidelines of the founding fathers.
The Officers of the Oakland English Cursillo Secretariat meet on the fourth Tuesday of every month.
To contact the Oakland English Cursillo Secretariat, you can email the Lay Director.
Current Secretariat Officers:
Lay Director: | Geri Cooney |
Associate Lay Director: | Andrea Limb |
Secretary: | Lorey Panetta |
Treasurer: | Mary Kessler |
Pre-Cursillo Men's Committee: | Bob Lanza | Danny Vargas | Louie Archuleta |
Pre-Cursillo Women's Committee: | Heidi Shelton | Mary Kessler |
Geno Salcedo | |
Alizu Urbina | |
Cursillo Weekend Chairperson: | Open |
Post Cursillo Committee: | Estela Ortiz |
Open | |
Communications Chairperson: | Therese Perez |
School of Leaders Chairperson: | Evelyn Isidro |
School of Leaders Advisors: | Michelle Gomez |
Greg Gomez | |
Music Co-Chairpersons: | Kelleen Bush |
Rich Viverette | |
Past Lay Director: | Bob Lanuza |
Palanca Chairperson: | open |
Registrar: | Denise Jin |
Website: | Chris Lang |
Spiritual Director: | Fr. Leo Edgerly |
Flock Note: | Nita Volker |