What is Palanca?
Palanca is a spanish word meaning "lever". According the Merriam-Webster, it is "something used to achieve a desired result". A palanca letter is designed to give the candidates support during their weekend spent reflecting and praying to God. The letter itself is not palanca. The contents of the letter, usually written by friends and/or family members of the candidate who has been "disconnected" from the challenges and chaos of everyday life. The contents can be a prayer, the offering of a special sacrifice, or simply an honest communication with them to let them know how much they are loved. Anyone can submit palanca to any weekend.
The National Cursillo Movement maintains an up-to-date list of all upcoming weekends throughout the world and links to the palanca email addresses of each. Our palanca chair, Geri Tong, sends a letter in our name to each of the Cursillo weekends listed, via email. Please pray for all of them. For details on all upcoming weekends worldwide, or to send your own palanca email, click on: National Cursillo Movement (USA)
Additionally, you can email palanca to our upcoming Oakland Cursillo 2025 weekends by clicking on the following links:
Or, you can provide Geri Tong with your palanca or bring it directly to the weekend the evening the Cursillo starts and give it to the kitchen team.