October 2024
My Spiritual Testament - The Founder's Legacy Continues...
Eduardo Bonnin was a meticulous record keeper, keeping copies of his
correspondence, meetings, conversations, rollos, and articles, both
his and those he received. (click
here for more)
August 2024
Synodality in the Cursillos in Christianity Movement
“Synodality” is genuinely one of the “words of the moment” in our
Church. We are still fully immersed in the process of the
Synod of Synodality, in its second phase, and next October
2024, the second part of the assembly of Bishops will take place. And we continue to receive
multiple references to this synodal process, in which the whole Church, including ecclesial
movements and associations, are immersed. Because if we understand well the proposal that
is being made to us, ALL of us, both at the personal level and at the level of the MCC, are
called to rediscover a new way of being Church, a new way of walking in the Church and as
Church, in which the community dimension is absolutely essential. “Walking together” is the
most common translation of “synodality”. And this is what it is all about, that in the MCC, in
the light of this ecclesial orientation, we rediscover new ways of walking together, accepting
that it is the Spirit of the Lord who, in the Church, is pushing us to this process of searching,
reflection, discernment, to concretize today, in all our spaces and all our structures, new ways of
being connected, of sharing, of participating, of keeping us united and in movement, walking. (click
here for more)
June 2024
Friendship in Cursillo
Friendship is the ESSENCE within all phases of Cursillo: Precursillo, Cursillo Weekend, and the
Postcursillo. This talk will focus on FRIENDSHIP IN THE CURSILLO WEEKEND. And particularly
how we bring an atmosphere of friendship on the weekend. (click
here for more)
April 2024
To Live Cursillo is to live the Gospel taught by the Catholic Church
Good morning, my name is Fr. Jacob Carlin; I am a priest for the Diocese
of Wichita in Kansas. I have been ordained for six years, and I currently serve as
the priest assistant to Bishop Kemme. However, more directly related, I serve as the spiritual
advisor for the Cursillo Movement in the Diocese of Wichita in English and Spanish.
I am honored to speak to you today and to promote the authentic living out of the Cursillo movement.
I am passionate about this topic because I have witnessed how the Cursillo movement has made an
incredible positive impact on myself and many people in the Diocese of Wichita in helping them
to live out the Gospel message taught by the Catholic Church. In fact, the purpose of my talk is to
illustrate that the living out of the Cursillo movement is, in fact, to live out the Gospel. (click
here for more)
February 2024
Signs of HOPE - An Interview with Eduardo Bonin, Final
Eduardo Bonnín: Even though they are obscure, I do
not want to doubt the good intentions of those who always use the personal
generosity of new converts by giving them an
orientation, not towards the world in which they are living, but into
the internal affairs of the
Church. This is manifested in teaching catechism or visiting senior
citizens, etc. since there is a whole range of activities where good
people are needed. Is there something better for these people converted in
Cursillo? If the result is that this task pleases them, they have a
sense of satisfaction, and they believe they have made it. The dynamics
of their conversion, which was supposed to continue, are turned in
on themselves, and they are very pleased with the good they are doing.
They feel satisfied. (click
here for more)
December 2023
Signs of HOPE - An Interview with Eduardo Bonin, Part
Eduardo Bonnín: Since the beginning, the Cursillo Movement
proposes that the Good News be addressed to all people of the world
without distinction. The Charism of Cursillo is for all, but we also say
that if these persons that we qualify as locomotives [engines], in Cursillo
terminology, come first, it would be much easier for the other
railcars to follow. Wherever and whenever the Charism of the Cursillo
has manifested itself, the priests and the laity understood it. There
is always a beneficial encounter for both, and the most urgent and
pressing preoccupation for all who are called to follow the Cursillo
method will succeed in knowing the grace of God and living it. This
will encourage sincere friendship and will help to eliminate prejudices
and misunderstandings. What makes Cursillo different or most unique
is that diverse people participate and follow it when only the essentials,
the fundamental points, of Christianity are explained. (click
here for more)
October 2023
Signs of HOPE - An Interview with Eduardo Bonin, Part
Eduardo Bonnín: It has always been evident to me that
God has never abandoned His Church. In His infinite providence, He makes
sure that all through history, the love He has for men will always manifest
itself one way or the other.
The ways He utilizes to touch man’s conscience and open it to
the unbelievable, but possible, friendship with Him
is always different and varies, depending on the person. Sometimes,
to obtain a man’s attention and will, God will use
another person, an event, or an idea, a
community, an institution, a behavior, etc.
here for more)
August 2023
Signs of HOPE - An Interview with Eduardo Bonin, Part
Eduardo Bonnín: All this, and mostly my contacts with people, made me
realize in direct contact withreality, that when the message of the Gospel is
with personalized faith,
and it reaches the
specific singularity, the originality and creativity of each person, it reinforces
the human qualities of
the person. These qualities, as soon as the life of Grace starts to grow and
becomes conscious, bring
each human being – in the Christological process, through the logic that
Christ uses, to grow in his
or her desire to live in thanksgiving for the gift of life and to experience
the joy that results fromtransmitting it to the broadest number possible. (click
here for more)
June 2023
Signs of HOPE - An Interview with Eduardo Bonin, Part 1
Eduardo Bonnín: I sincerely believe that the Lord, using many circumstances,
has manifested his will,
little by little, throughout my life. Although my confidence in Providence
is radical, I have never
realized the ideal that I had chosen for my life in my youth. Leading me by
other paths, the Lord has
proven in many circumstances, I should say in all circumstances, that he has
better taste than I do. (click
here for more)
April 2023
100 YEARS Part 18 - Biography and Mentality -
God is a reality evident in everybody, in its clarity or ambiguity, in its presence
or absence, on the surfaceor in depth.
All religions, in one way or another, manifest what man has done and does, to
approach God. (click
here for more)
February 2023
100 YEARS Part 17 - Biography and Mentality -
The Gospel is a divine world in motion.
It is the re-creation of the whole universe in Christ, who lives, dies, and rises in each of us daily and continuously. (click
here for more)
To view prior newsletters, go directly to the newsletter page of the National Cursillo Movement USA website: National Cursillo Newsletter